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 JurAsia Silkway InterTax 2024

Enter the world of legal debate, international taxation and legal innovation. Take part in a prestigious competition that brings together the best minds and stimulates the development of future leaders in the legal field.

JurAsia Silkway InterTax Moot Court

Why Participate?

This competition offers a significant platform to engage with industry professionals, compare tax practices across different jurisdictions, and establish your presence on the international stage.

Participation provides unparalleled opportunities to:

  • Gain practical experience through real-life case studies.
  • Deepen your understanding of international tax law.
  • Enhance skills in analytical thinking, public speaking, and teamwork.
  • Access a series of free lectures and workshops designed to boost your career development, expand your knowledge, and increase your value to future employers.

Awards (per team):

First League:

1st place: USD 1,000 

2nd place: USD 600

3rd place: USD 400 

Second League:                                                      

1st place: USD 1,000

2nd place: USD 600

3rd place: USD 400 

JurAsia Silkway InterTax Moot Court

The competition centers on the interpretation of international tax treaties and is not limited to the laws of any specific jurisdiction. The challenges are based on international tax agreements, following the UN Model Convention and the OECD Model Convention.

Language: English / Russian

Participants: Undergraduate and graduate students, as well as junior professionals (aged 25 years and under) from law and consulting firms.

Format: Hybrid (offline/online), November 16

Registration Deadline: October 13

Venue: KIMEP University, New Administrative Building (Almaty)


Organizing Committee of the League of Tax Advisors “Salyq”


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